Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Lost news - New star and meaning behind the numbers

So I read on Yahoo News that it has been announced that there will be a new character in season 3 of Lost played by Rodrigo Santoro (apparently known as the Brazilian Tom Cruise). Link to article.

However, that isn't what caught my interest.  Rather, at the end of the article it mentions a game called The Lost Experience.  Now I had completely missed this but apparently it's one of these new "alternate reality games" that has a parallel story line to the TV show.  Using emails, fake websites, etc... the game will offer clues to understanding what is happening in the TV show.

An example of this could be the book Bad Twin by Gary Troup who, in the show, was a passenger on the flight and whose manuscript was being read by Saywer.

This is all very interesting, at least I thought so.

A good source of information about The Lost Experience can be found at

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