Monday, July 31, 2006

One red paper clip traded for house

You may have heard about Kyle who started in July 2005 with the intention to trade up from one red paper clip to a house.

Well after many trades it happened just a few weeks ago (ok so I'm a bit late). You can read about the last trade at

But there's more.

It seems he has also managed to get a book and movie deal out of it!!! Details at

Just goes to show there's still opportunities out there for those with a bit of imagination.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Lost news - New star and meaning behind the numbers

So I read on Yahoo News that it has been announced that there will be a new character in season 3 of Lost played by Rodrigo Santoro (apparently known as the Brazilian Tom Cruise). Link to article.

However, that isn't what caught my interest.  Rather, at the end of the article it mentions a game called The Lost Experience.  Now I had completely missed this but apparently it's one of these new "alternate reality games" that has a parallel story line to the TV show.  Using emails, fake websites, etc... the game will offer clues to understanding what is happening in the TV show.

An example of this could be the book Bad Twin by Gary Troup who, in the show, was a passenger on the flight and whose manuscript was being read by Saywer.

This is all very interesting, at least I thought so.

A good source of information about The Lost Experience can be found at

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Which console are developers excited about developing for?

So not only is the PS3 overpriced (personally I'm not planning to preorder one) but developers aren't that excited about it either.

Seems they are more excited about the XBox 360 and the Nintendo Wii.

There is a survey over at

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Most UK blogs are diaries

A study by MSN Spaces has found that nearly 60% of people in the UK use blogs as a diary.

Another study dound that 65% of bloggers in the US do not consider their work to be journalism.

Seems to go against all these reports of blogging being the new medium for news, etc..

p.s. This is my first post using the Performancing extension for Firefox

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Design update

Today I have updated the design of this page to include tags from as a way of creating categories.

Whenever I add a new post I will tag it on and the tag links to the right will take you to the page on showing the posts in that category.

Just noticed that the page doesn't display quite right in IE (I use Firefox most of the time) so I will have to look at that later.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Been away...

I've been away for a few days in Devon recharging the old batteries but now I'm back there should be some more posts.

I went down to Lynmouth for a few days, staying at a guest house I first started visiting more than 20 years ago (

I'll try and put up some pics soon.

Monday, July 03, 2006

England exit World Cup

I said before the tournament began that England would go out in the quarter finals but hoped they'd do better. And to go out on penalties again! At least this time no one missed a la Stuart Pearce, David Batty, Gareth Southgate, etc...

Will be interesting to see the reaction to Ronaldo if he does return to Man Utd for the new season. I see there is already a website called where you can leave your comments.