Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Back online

There's not been any updates for a while as I've been busy what with family visiting from Spain, a training course in Brussels and most recently a holiday to Egypt.

Had a really good time in Egypt and would definately like to go back again.

I wanted to put some pictures up online and my first thought was to use Flickr. Unfortunately you are limited to 20 MB of bandwidth per calendar month but each of my photos are about 2.5 MB. I checked Snapfish but they only keep the hi-res pictures for 90 days. As their aim is for you to order prints, etc... I would have liked to upload my photos and have them remain as they are without having to upload them again next time I want prints.

I'll keep looking for options.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Stingrays being attacked

It appears that Stingrays are being attacked in revenge for the death of Steve Irwin.

Stingrays are being found dead with their tails cut off.

This is plain wrong. Steve Irwin's life was about protecting wildlife.


Monday, September 11, 2006

XBox 360 laptop

Whilst the XBox 360 is smaller than the original XBox it's still not small enough for some people.

This guy has taken a 360 apart and converted it be a portable device including a screen much like a laptop.

Have a look http://benheck.com/Games/Xbox360/x360_page_1.htm
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

No PS3 for Europe until 2007

It's happened again.

Europe have been relegated to third place with the Playstation 3 launch focusing on Japan and the US in November and Europe not seeing a launch until March 2007.

Maybe the price will have come down to a reasonable level by that time.

BBC News - PlayStation 3 Euro launch delayed
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Texas Hold 'Em

The poker gane Texas Hold 'Em is now available to download on the XBox Live Arcade. Free for 48 hours from 08:00 GMT Wednesday 23rd August until 08:01 Friday 25th August.

First post since upgrading to the beta.
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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Do you blog to make money?

Following on from a previous post - Most UK blogs are diaries which reported that most UK bloggers use their blogs as online diaries, a survey in the USA by Pew Internet found that 15% of bloggers are in it for the money.

Making money was given as a major reason for blogging by 7% with another 8% saying it was a minor reason. With Technorati tracking 50 million blogs that works out at 7.5 million blogs all trying to make money.

I was surprised to read though that the most popular method is selling rather than advertising schemes. I guess there must be more ofthe loyal followers who will buy mugs or t-shirts to support their favourite blogs than I imagined.

You can download the report in full at http://www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/186/report_display.asp

Another way to make money from your blog would be to sell your blog posts to the media. Scoopt, already known for selling pictures taken by the public has now setup another scheme where they will sell your blog posts for you.

Find out more about Scoopt now.
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Work friendly surfing

Q: How do I stop people noticing that I'm surfing at work?

A: Let Work Friendly disguise the page for you. From their page you enter the url of the website you want to visit and they will display the page for you stripped of styles, looking like a Word document. It even has a Boss button to replace the page content with a document about time management.
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